Creating an infusion of economic stability to support family well-being.  

The SBCC Approach 

SBCC believes that the creation of social support networks is as important as the allocation of money. Consequently, our focus is on building geographically aligned community partnerships that will continue to support residents beyond the Guaranteed Income Initiative. SBCC is working to equip participants with opportunities for self-sufficiency.  

Breathe LA

Providing LA County residents with monthly financial support for a brighter, healthier future.

The SBCC Approach 

At SBCC, we don't just provide financial support; we provide an unconditional lifeline that carries no restrictions on spending or work obligations. Our vision is to complement, not replace, the existing social safety net. Participants in our program have the freedom to choose whether to engage in our research, all while continuing to receive their vital monthly support.

The Work We Do 

SBCC is the program administrator for Breathe — LA county's guaranteed income program for 1,000 individuals that have been selected to participate.

Breathe is a guaranteed income project that provides 1,000 eligible LA County residents with $1,000 per month for three years. This is an independent research project that will be used to study the effects of this type of program so that the County and other jurisdictions can learn about the project's impact on the economic stability of participants, as well as its impact on participants' overall health and well-being. Guaranteed income is a monthly cash payment given directly to individuals. It is unconditional, with no strings attached on how to spend it and no work requirements. It is meant to supplement, not replace, the existing social safety net. 

What is Breathe Extended - LA County’s Guaranteed Income Program?

Breathe is a guaranteed income project that will provide 200 former LA County DCFS foster youth with $1,000 per month for two years. While the benefits of guaranteed income programs have been documented, this is an independent research project that will be used to study the effects of this type of program so that the County and other jurisdictions can learn about the project’s impact on the economic stability of participants, as well as its impact on participants’ overall health and well-being.

Guaranteed income is a monthly cash payment given directly to individuals. It is unconditional, with no strings attached on how to spend it and no work requirements. It is meant to supplement, not replace, the existing social safety net.

Program participants do not need to participate in the research study to remain in the program and receive their monthly payments.

Creating innovative models to financial security by providing low-income families with access to financial and social capital.

The SBCC Approach 

SBCC believes that when families have financial independence, control over their decisions, and access to resources for self-determined solutions, it benefits the entire community. By placing families in charge of their own destinies, SBCC plays a crucial role in breaking the cycle of generational poverty, fostering upward mobility, and enhancing family unity.

The Work We Do 

Family Prosperity is an innovative economic development strategy designed to challenge the decades-long public assistance model of poverty reduction by partnering with community members to invest in their own upward mobility. By providing families with flexible spending money, social network support, guidance from an Economic Development Coach, and an online platform to track goals, we are helping improve their economic stability and overall well-being.

‍As part of the Family Prosperity Ventures, SBCC offers a number of additional related services:

  • Bartering Economy: A hub that allows the exchange of goods and services via social networks.
  • Credit Repair, Banking, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): A service that helps families take control of their finances with resources related to banking, credit repair, and assistance with tax filing to help them receive the EITC.

Lending Circles:

A non-traditional banking model that serves as a zero-interest social loan where a group of six to ten people contribute money towards a shared pot. Each month, a different participant receives the loan.

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